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Rest easy knowing that your Stone Realty Group agent will be by your side every step of the way. We empower you to grasp market dynamics and we’ll confidently assess true comparative values together. Our team will guide you in strategically crafting offers that secure contracts, and we will ensure you navigate inspections and repair negotiations with the utmost expertise, employing only the best vendors. Experience an elevated home buying journey, made seamless and successful through our extensive experience and knowledge.

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What Our Satisfied Clients Say

"Jasmine Garcia was such a pleasure to work with! She is very knowledgeable and so friendly. We felt very comfortable at all steps of the process with her guidance! This was the first time buying a home for my son and she guided him through each step!"
"Where do I begin .. Michelle Kleven made finding our dream home seamless (even when we brought all the kids to showings). Her bubbly personality was easy to connect with and we immediately knew that she was going to do whatever it took to get us not only a great deal but find the perfect home! Michelle also worked with us to sell our existing home. She provided realistic
"I have worked with Elijah Sommers (Eli) on securing multiple properties. Even though I was out of state, this never became a challenge as Eli stepped in, right from doing virtual walk-throughs to following up and getting timely answers to the various questions I had, all the way to helping through closing on the property. He coordinated with all parties involved and take t
"I worked with Meagan Otte at Stone Realty and it was a dream experience. She really made it easy for me and there were no headaches along the way. I had a time crunch and needed a place in under 4 weeks - She made it happen!! I highly recommend her and the team she works with. So happy as I'm writing this in my new condo."
"Michelle was quick to respond, answer questions, and step me through the home buying process. She had connections with a mortgage broker and real estate attorney which made the process seamless."
"Josh Stone and the entire Stone realty group were an absolute delight to work with throughout the home buying & selling process. Josh was very personable, extremely knowledgeable, and always willing to take the time to answer questions. He also has a wealth of connections throughout the industry which helped alleviate many of my concerns while closing on a home. I highly r
"I worked with Jasmine Garcia to find and purchase our first home. She was wonderful to work with and very accommodating in our home search and busy schedules. We would recommend working with her for any buyers in the Charlotte area."
"We had a fantastic experience working with our realtor, Jasmine Garcia . Her professionalism, knowledge, and dedication were exceptional. As first time home buyers, Jasmine guided us through every step of the home buying process with patience and expertise. She truly listened to our needs and found us the perfect home within our budget. Her negotiation skills were impress
"Josh and the Stone Realty team were very helpful and knowledgeable every step of the way. They made the home buying process very simple and streamlined, always ready with good answers to all of our questions. We couldn't have hoped for better service."
"Highly recommend! The purchase happened very quickly, and there were issues that arose with the lenders not getting the paperwork turned in on time. Megan used her magic to help expedite the process and we closed in time for the carpet installers and movers to come on the days we’d scheduled. There was some doubt about whether the closing would happen on time, but with a

Go Beyond The Basics To Find Your Dream Home

At Stone Realty Group, we understand the challenges of limited listing inventory. That’s why we adopt a multi-pronged approach that extends well beyond traditional MLS listings. Whether it's door knocking to uncover off-market properties or crafting personalized, handwritten letters to entire neighborhoods, we are constantly thinking outside of the box. We also leverage reverse prospecting by tapping into our extensive database of over 2,000 past clients to identify potential sellers. We will always go the extra mile to find your perfect home.

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